JU Weedout (Paraquat Dichloride 24% SL) is a broad spectrum, non-selective, contact herbicide containing 24% Paraquat dichloride effectively controlling broadleaved weeds and grasses.During photosynthesis superoxide is generated, which damages cell membranes and cytoplasm.
- It is used as a post-emergence-directed application and pre-plant application in many crops.
- It damages cell membranes and cytoplasm during photosynthesis by producing superoxide.
- Within minutes of application it gains non-washing properties.
Dosage -
6.6 ml per liter of water,
100 ml per 15-litre pump,
1 Litre per acre spray
Recommended Crops -
Tea, Potato, Cotton, Rubber, Coffee, Rice, Wheat, Maize, Grapes, Apple, Aquatic weed control (Waterways, Canals, Ponds).
Targeted Weeds -
Grassy and broad-leaved weeds and other weeds.
(Commelina benghalensis, Cyperus rotundus, Trianthema monogyna, Echinochloa crus-galli, Digitaria sp., Cynodon dactylon, Paspalum conjugatum, Ageratum conyzoides, Amaranthus sp., Euphorbia spp., Imperata, Setaria sp.)