JU-Masaal is a scientific combination of Mancozeb 63% WP which is a contact fungicide of the dithiocarbamate group and Carbendazim 12% WP which is a systemic fungicide of Benzimidazole carbamate group. Its Multisite protective & curative action inhibits spore germination and ensures double protection from inside & from outside.
- JU-Massal effectively controls the fungal diseases by its systemic and contact action
- JU-Massal helps in increasing the production of field crops and vegetables
- JU-Massal is a suitable fungicide for Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
- JU-Massal is compatible with commonly used insecticides and fungicides
Dosage -
2 gm per liter water
30 gm per 15 Litre pump
300 gm per Acre Spray.
Recommended Crops -
Groundnut, Paddy (Rice), Potato, Tea, Grape, Mango, Chilli, Maize, Apple, Cotton, Soybean, Mandarin, Pea
Targeted Pests -
Leaf spot, Blast, Early blight, Late blight, Black scruff, Blister blight, Grey blight, Red rust, Die-back, Black rot, Downey mildew, Powdery mildew, Anthracnose, Fruit rot, Tikka leaf spot, Collar rot, Dry root rot, Rhizoctonia seedling blight, Ascochyta foot rot, Fusarium wilt, Alternaria leaf spot, Myrothecium leaf spot, Pod & stem blight, Sooty mould, Charcoal rot, Seedling rot, Fruit scab