Product Description
Glypho 71 is a non-selective herbicide used for controlling a broad range of weeds in tea & non- cropped areas
Glyphosate 71 SG is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds.
It is absorbed by foliage and kills weeds, including their roots.
It can be applied pre-plant, pre-emergence, or post-emergence.
It breaks down quickly in the soil, allowing for the safe planting of subsequent crops.
Dosage -
8 gm per liter water,
120 gm per 15-liter pump,
1200 gm per acre spray.
Recommended Crops -
Tea & Non Crop area
Targeted Weeds -
Acalypha indica Ageratum conyzoides Cychorium intybus Digera arvensis Cynondon dactylon Cyperus rotunedus Digitaria sanguinalis Eragrostis spp. Ipomea digitarea Paspalum conjugatum Sida aculata