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Product Description

Glypho 71 is a non-selective herbicide used for controlling a broad range of weeds in tea & non- cropped areas


  • Glyphosate 71 SG is effective against a wide range of annual and perennial weeds.

  • It is absorbed by foliage and kills weeds, including their roots.

  • It can be applied pre-plant, pre-emergence, or post-emergence.

  • It breaks down quickly in the soil, allowing for the safe planting of subsequent crops.


Dosage - 

8 gm per liter water,

120 gm per 15-liter pump,

1200 gm per acre spray.


Recommended Crops - 

Tea & Non Crop area 


Targeted Weeds - 

Acalypha indica Ageratum conyzoides Cychorium intybus  Digera arvensis Cynondon dactylon Cyperus rotunedus  Digitaria sanguinalis  Eragrostis spp. Ipomea digitarea Paspalum conjugatum Sida aculata 

Regular price Rs. 370.00
Sale price Rs. 370.00 Regular price Rs. 440.00
Sale Sold out
Tax included.
In stock (100 units), ready to be shipped

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